Reflections in Practice - Gin

Beginning this month I am introducing a new way to see yourself, challenges and triumphs, reflected in the practice of others. Members of our meditation community will reflect on their practice and answer some questions, to share a more relatable aspect of meditation.

Please meet Gin, Here are her reflections.

“How old are you now?”


“How old were you when you first experienced meditation?”


“Do you have a regular practice?”

“I try too but it can easily fall to the wayside in the course of day-to-day life”

“How were you introduced to meditation?”

“I discovered it as a tool to use when I became a single mum and needed downtime”

“What type of practice works for you?”

“It really depends on the day. Some days my meditation is walking with my dog along the river, allowing my thoughts to just pass through. Other times a guided meditation, whether in a class or by myself allows me to be still and connect in with myself.”

“What type of practice doesn’t work for you, and why do you think that is?”

“Something that I don’t see or understand the sense in and requires me to alter my daily routine significantly.”

“Why do you engage in meditation?”

“It allows me to connect in with myself and acknowledge things about myself that I may otherwise gloss over or completely ignore.”

“How long have you been regularly engaging in some form of meditation practice?”

“Off and on for 30 yrs but over the last 4.5 yrs, I have committed to making it a more regular practice by attending a weekly meditation class.”

“Your best experience with meditation?”

“Is when I can deeply relax into the process and be present.”


“Your worst experience with meditation?”

“When I have expectations of what I think will occur and the experience differs from that. I have learnt that I just need to let go of control and hand the reigns over to the Universe and I receive what I need, rather than what I think I want.”


Awareness in meditation


When stillness goes wrong